Chapter 10.

What today is presented as Bahai Religion is in truth, "Shoghism" — Shoghism, the supposed Bahai Religion, as practiced today — Censorship, prohibition of political activity and excommunication are not milestones for a new world order.

What is taught today by the Bahai Administration, the teachings of Shoghi plus the administrative fiddle-faddle is not the Bahai religion, but "Shoghism". All the alterations of the Bahai religion can be classified under this concept: the forged testament with Guardian and Guardianship and his position at the summit of the "World Parliament"; his "bodyguard" (the "Hands of the Cause"); the money offerings, named "Right of God", which must pass through the Guardian to the Cause of God together with the whole Bahai Administration with Local and National Spiritual Assemblies; the Bahai World State, also called Bahai-Commonwealth: the introduction of censorship; the demand of church renunciation by converts; the declaration of trust with by-laws and its inclusion ol the alleged testament of Abdul Baha: religious isolation by prohibition of practicing the active and passive right to vote: excommunication, theocratic organization with Bahai-hierarchy; the subordination of the individual conscience to that of the group: prohibition of free assertion of opinion to be found in the alleged testament of Abdul Baha: the patenting of the name "Bahai", monopoly of the Bahai religion with trials against "Free Bahais" because of the use of the word "Bahai" for a mini-Bahai bookshop, on posters, and in brochures. 289

We would all like to live in a better world, in a world which is closer to the ideal image that the great religious founders of human history drew before us again and again in theory and lived in practice before us. To do this requires, of course, much effort from many human souls, all over the world.
It Is different with Shoghism. There this new world simply comes from the retort with hocus-pocus-falsifications. Therefore it also looks appropriate: Extension of Identification card:

"Is your Bahai card already renewed? On January 31, 1967 the validity of the 1966 stamp runs out" 290
If the situation earlier in Germany was that "Non-Aryans not admitted", this statement now applies for non-Bahais in Haifa.
This news we read in the "Bahai Nachrichten" of Oct. 16, 1964, volume 12. "To our regret relatives who accompany a Bahai pilgrim but who are not Bahais themselves cannot be accommodated in the Pilgrim House and cannot take part in the program of the pilgrim residence. They are, however, welcome If they want to visit the shrines and gardens."291
The following example is a foretaste of how complicated and limited life will become:

"Message from the Persian National Spiritual Assembly: Friends who want lo visit Iran are asked first to obtain permission from the Universal House of Justice (in Haifa) by means of the appropriate National Spiritual Assembly. Simultaneously they should inform the Persian National Spiritual Assembly, so that it can forward its decision to the Universal House." 292
However, if a Bahai from Persia wants to visit us, it is even more difficult: "Legitimation of our newly arrived Persian friends: The Spiritual Assemblies and groups are hereby informed that newly arrived Persian friends are to be asked about their Bahai identification. At the present time these papers are mostly filled out in Persian, therefore the National Spiritual Assembly asks the Spiritual Assemblies and groups to transfer these papers by a local member of the committee of Iranian Bahai Students with a corresponding translation to the Secretary ot the National Spiritual Assembly or, in case members of this committee cannot be reached, directly to the National Spiritual Assembly Secretary." 293

Two years later, the talk becomes still more open. The Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran literally writes in his newsletter of July 5, 1957, "If a person does not lay before you such a credential letter from us and calls himself a Bahai, you should in no case accept him, even if other Persian friends confirm that they know the person". 294
The following example shows how the Bahais are drawn to hairsplitting:
"Prayers should be read as they were written. Now to your question about prayers and alterations by the pronouncer: This is not allowed to happen, also not in the long prayer of duty or in the prayer of healing. We must either accept the insignificant discrepancies or say a prayer that is appropriate to our sex or our number." 295

True triumphs attain obstinancy and lack of compromise with the Administration Bahais; in spite of this the word "tolerance" is written in capital letters by them (in theory). "If a Bahai who has been taught of the necessity of a Bahai marriage ceremony has only a civil ceremony, the administrative rights must be taken away from him or her.
With kindest regards, The Universal House of Justice."
I do not know how far the "withdrawal of the administrative rights" is from being thrown out of the Bahai Organization. These "administrative rights" essentially consist of the right to vote as a Bahai."296 The Bahai Dogmas —
1. Unreserved acceptance of subordination and adherence to the alleged will of Abdul Baha2.  Absolute bond to the Bahai Administration which is derived from it 3.  Infallibility of the Guardian

are indirectly extended by this important fourth dogma of the regulation of Bahai marriage ceremony, which (up to now) Is not yet retroactive. The penalty for not following the regulation of Bahai marriage is the same as for not recognizing the alleged testament of Abdul Baha and the Bahai Administration which is bound to it" 297 The "kindest regards" of the Bahai World Bureaucracy, then, are supposed to be the band-aid of consolation for this lash of the whip.

The following note by which a woman was raised to martyrdom proves how much one must rearrange his thinking with the Administration Bahais:
". .. an American . , . Lua Getsinger... was on the return trip to America after one of her visits with Abdul Baha in Haifa when she became sick in Cairo and had to leave her ship. While she lay sick In Cairo, the first World War broke out and she did not receive permission to leave the country . . . she took care of the soldiers for many years . .. Lua died a martyr's death in 1916... a modest monument . . . for the first martyr on African soil." 298

During the Guardian's lifetime two other women were raised to martyrdom. Mrs. Keith Ransom-KehIer died in Persia whera she had exerted herself in petitions to the Persian government to obtain greater freedom for tha Bahais again. She was raised lo "martyrdom" Just as Mrs. May Maxwell, who died a completely natural death in Buenos Aires, after she had worked for Bahai Propaganda in South America. According to universal language usage a martyr is a man who offers his blood for his belief or who has had to suffer persecution for this belief. But that is not discussed in the three cases mentioned.

Are all of these earlier mentioned examples assertions of the New World Order "within whose administrative structure an embryonic civilization, incomparable and world-embracing, is imperceptibly maturing"? 299 I can only establish: Everything is turned upside down.
Is it not Irresponsible of the so-called Universal House of Justice in Haifa to encourage the Bahais to go to countries in which the Bahai religion is prohibited? These people sit with well endowed sinecures in Haifa where, at most, curious tourists and pious pilgrims press them and then they write as follows:

To the Bahais of Germany
April 1964
Dearly beloved friends,
The German Bahai Community .. . carries a great responsibility for spreading the light of God's belief over all of Europe, especially eastward into the countries of Eastern Europe ... to far inside Russia "300
The absolute prohibition of the Bahai teachings in the USSR does not go on the account of the Bahai religion, but on to the burden of political Shoghism. One would like to say to that Bahai hierarchy therefore, "Take care that Shoghism will again become the Bahai religion, and also that communism will face again with friendship the teachings of Baha'u'llah and Abdul Baha, as it is expressed in the quoted reports. But as long as you have not done that: Show us a good example! Go yourselves to Russia!"
As already reported, the Guardian had introduced a censorship of everything which was publicly spoken or printed a couple of months after thebeginning of his office. This is not the scientific method! The favorable words which were brought out by personalities in public life who are acquainted with the Bahai religion, be they scientists or writers, have been virtually completely silenced since the death of Abdul Baha. The few exceptions confirm the rule. If the facts were known to them they would no longer maintain their opinions or they would say, "This is something completely different from what was taught in the time of Abdul Baha." Here also the basic dynamics have grown static, still more of a retreat into a long overcome age. The "Iron Age", so-called by the Guardian," 301 came under his brazen heel. This is seen in the following requirements for a "recognized Bahai":

1 "Recognized Bahais of the United Stales and Canada must not take part in any local, provincial or national election, conducted by political parties, where votes are to be cast for one or two or more candidates.

2 Recognized Bahais must not run for any public office as candidates of any political party, nor take part, directly or indirectly, in the promotion of any party or party platform.

3 Recognized Bahais must not vote in any election based upon a party system.

4 Recognized Bahais must abstain from association with movements advocating social changes that presume partisan political action.

5 Recognized Bahais who speak on Bahai platforms must abstain from making any critical statements about any particular government or national policy.

6 Every Local Bahai Center must be responsible for the carrying out of the above laws by the Bahais in their respective communities. Local membership must include only the names of those who faithfully obey these regulations.

7 Recognized Bahais must not retain or apply for membership in any church or religious group. 302

8 Bahais failing to give unreserved obedience to the above regulations and to numerous others which are constantly legislated, and month after month spread on the pages of "Bahai News" by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of the United States and Canada, are expelled or excommunicated from the Cause, and the Bahais are not permitted to associate with these expelled or excommunicated ones, regardless of friendship, no matter of how long standing nor of the depth of their affection or love." 303
What intelligent men who believe they belonged to a progressive movement do is easy to guess.The dogma of the physical ascension of Mary or the condemnation of the Copernican teachings - which were later retracted -are harmless compared with the above mentioned rules of behavior because they cannot cause much damage. They indicate a spiritual attitude which can most honestly be classified with that of the Inquisition. And at the same time tolerance is a concept on which the Bahais put particular value. There is one statement from Sabet which I would like to introduce here almost literally; it was supposed to apply to religions in general, but I am going to use it in reference to the Guardian and his Administration."In the course of the last 50 years — not of the centuries — human inadequacy has increased so much that the Sun of Truth was darkened by the clouds of human inertia, greed for power, and intolerance and a critical observer, without being malicious himself, can come to the opinion that It has something to do with — in the alleged Bahai religion of the Guardian — the opiate of the people."

Even the most beautiful temples with gilded tiles and splendid gardens cannot submerge the fact that these things only serve as advertisement and tourist attracion for a system which is unique in the history of religions. Name-calling is unnecessary. Shoghism is exactly the opposite of the Bahai religion. Even if the Guardian has not been there for more than a dozen years, the "Hands of the Cause" and this alleged "Universal House of Justice" in Haifa work further, certain of their goal, to the reversal of the Bahai religion as Baha'u'llah would have it. Where in the whole enumerated catalogue of Shoghism is there a hint of "the personal freedom and initiative of the individuals", as it so seductively reads in the three page excerpt from Shoghi's writing in the introduction to the Proclamation of Baha'u'llah'" 304 Exactly the opposite is the case! And because, happily, men turn instinctively against the "Guardian concentration camp", the Bahai-Administrators lose their courage. "Mankind has been struck blind", one of their spokesmen recently established In the "Bahai-Briefe" (Bahai Letters).

With our presentation we hope, however - even with calculation for some mistakes and errors which always slip in - to have provided additional evidence to the various demonstrations of the falsification of the alleged testament of Abdul Baha, so that the followers of the Bahai Administration may recognize how they themselves have been struck blind.


289.  Details about the trial see Sohrab, Broken Silence, 1942, pp. 196 and 258 with photocopies of the verdicts in great American newspapers
290. "BN" of December/January 1967, p. 6
291.  The Universal House ol Justice, Bahai World Center Haifa (Israel) August. 1964
292.  "BN", 1965, Vol. I, p. 7
293.  "BN". 1955, Vol. 7. p. 5
294.  quoted in "BN". Sept/Oct., 1957, Vol. 6/7, p. 8
295.  Shoghi Effendi, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 8, quoted in "BN", 1965, Vol. 17
296.  see Esslemont, Neues Zeitalter, Frankfurt 1963, p. 307, footnote
297.  see Esslemont. New Era, 1970, p. 271f. "
298.  "BN" 1960, Vol. 17. p. 11
299.  Shoghl Elfendi, Promised Day, p. 16
300.  Bahai Nachrichten" 1964, Vol. 4
301.  GPB. pp. Xlll/324
302.  For the details of above regulations from Nos. 1 to 7 read "Bahai News", December 1932 and July 1933. Quoted by Sohrab, Silence, p. 155f.
303.  For item No. 8 read article entitled "The Determination of Membership" on page 3, January 1940 issue of   "Bahai News". Quoted by Sohrab, Silence, p. 156
304.  Haifa 1967, p. Xf. and Esslemont, New Era 1970, p. 280

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